Age of Empires is a progression of chronicled continuous technique computer games, initially created by Ensemble Studios and distributed by Microsoft Studios. The main title of the arrangement was Age of Empires, discharged in 1997. Seven titles and three turn offs have been discharged.
Period of Empires concentrated on occasions in Europe, Africa and Asia, crossing from the Stone Age to the Iron Age; the development amusement investigated the arrangement and extension of the Roman Empire.
The continuation, Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings, was set in the Middle Ages, while its development concentrated halfway on the Spanish triumph of Mexico. The ensuing three amusements of Age of Empires III investigated the early current time frame, when Europe was colonizing the Americas and a few Asian countries were on the decay. The freshest portion, Age of Empires Online, adopts an alternate strategy as an allowed to-play web based diversion using Games for Windows Live. A turn off diversion, Age of Mythology, was set in an indistinguishable period from the first Age of Empires, yet centered around legendary components of Greek, Egyptian, and Norse folklore. A fourth primary portion in the arrangement, Age of Empires IV, is being worked on.
The Age of Empires arrangement has been a business achievement, offering more than 20 million duplicates. Commentators have credited piece of the achievement of the arrangement to its chronicled topic and reasonable play; the manmade brainpower (AI) players battle with less favorable circumstances than in a considerable lot of the arrangement's rivals.
The diversions in the arrangement center around recorded occasions all through time. Time of Empires covers the occasions between the Stone Age and the Classical time frame, in Europe and Asia. Its development, The Rise of Rome, takes after the arrangement and ascent of the Roman Empire. The Age of Kings and its Nintendo DS turn off finish Europe and Asia the Middle Ages. The Age of Kings' development pack, The Conquerors, is set amid a similar period, yet additionally incorporates situations about the Spanish success of Mexico, El Cid, and Attila the Hun. Time of Empires III and its first development, The WarChiefs, happen amid the European colonization of the Americas. Its second extension, The Asian Dynasties, takes after the ascent of Asia in a similar period. Period of Empires Online spotlights on the Greek and Egyptian civic establishments. The arrangement's turn off, Age of Mythology, and its development pack, The Titans, are set amid the Bronze Age, however center around folklore as their subjects, instead of history.
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